Monday, November 16, 2009

The Old School Preacher at the Exchange

The old man was weary from the battles he survived, eyes dim with age, the natural ways of his body reduced. He came upon this digitize market place where you can be any thing you call yourself. (Behold, all souls belong to God...the soul that sin shall surely die. Ezekiel 18:4) Seated at the Gate of this Exchange where souls are bought and sold by the exchanging of ideas was a man that deals in body transformations some would say he was angelic in his appearance. A man hurled from heaven. An enemy and a falsifier of God's word. The Old School Preacher started his journey with five pennies.

"Is this the place where I can put my pennyworth?, said the Old School Preacher.

"Yes you can. Step up."

"Sir, I lost three pennies to a princely of a man on one of his schemes designed to make me wise. He said he was the original player and it would open my eyes and put food in my belly"

"Fret not thyself I will restore that which the locusts have eaten. To win in my game, all you have to do is go all to get along and I guarantee you will be a winner. Cast your lot with me and watch the prosperity of your soul".

It sounded good to the preacher and he was tempted. To know good from evil and right from wrong, he could as his Lord. The scheme was to produce fruit that would be pleasant to the eyes and good for food, a piece of cake, thought the hypocrite. The man of God did cast his lot with his new friend. As soon as the nectar of the fruit touched his lips, the eater suffered loss.

"I'm naked!", cried out the evangelist

"My grace is sufficient", said the still small Voice, " Nothing can separate you from My increase. I will set in order all things when I come. You are to go and preach deliverance to the captive, set free those who are bound, open the the prison gate for those that sat in darkness.

Remember, it is required in a steward that he be found faithful. Henceforth there is laid up for you, Old School, a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge will give on that day not to you only but unto all who love his appearance".

Not only was the lost great for this saint who walks in the spirit of John the Baptist's Ministry, a spirit of fear came upon him when the god of this world spoke harshly of the Man who gave him the coins to behold until His return. The spirit of fear caused him to lose another penny! The Man who sends is a hard Man. Reaping where He has not sown. Gathering from where He has put no seed yet he expect total complaint to His will from those who went as seed sowers.

The soul exchange is not for the faint of heart. God has given them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not natural and is against nature. Moreover, God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. The judgement of God is that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only to those who do such things but also those who take pleasure in them that do them.

The disciple interceded in pray to the God of Grace for the souls at the Exchange. Let us pray. He that winnest souls are wise.

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