Sunday, November 29, 2009

Does God has a sense of humor?

  • "I would be 'rithly supris' to get to heave' and find out God was a nigga", said the frighten and fragile lady." as she commented to the television news reporter on the damage did by the storm
She and many others had lost everything in the Tornado of 1949 that came through south central Arkansas on January 3. Massive damage was did in Bradley County The path of the deadly twister hopped and skipped from one neighborhood to another. It left in its wake 55 dead 435 injured 700 homes damage or destroy, all in the White Section of town. Very little damage did in the Black Section.

What if God is beginning to fix the economy in America to help Obama and the Democrats in 2010 to send a poke to Republicans for using his name in their governance and turning their backs on the under privilege. Obama and the Democrats has set out from day one to fix health care and get the economy moving again.

A Republican President and a Republican congress got us in trouble by giving tax cuts in 2001 and 2002 to the wealthiest member of society. Then authorized an unfunded war in Afghanistan that that add billions to the national debt. The last 8 years of deregulation in the banking and housing industry cause a credit crunch that put the country on the brink of a depression.

While the Republicans have operated from an agenda of obstruction. By being the personification of No It cost to much, they say. Let us wait for the job situation get better before we should add to a 12 trillion dollar debt.

This time last year everyone was offering up prayers and praise for this election. I believed God intervened in this election and chose Obama over McCain. So it is not to hard to believe that God can put 2.6 million America back to work, again. God has promised to restore the years the 'locust' has eaten. This month the jobless rate went from 10.2 to 9.7. only 11,000 lost jobs in November 2009.

Does God has a sense of humor? May be. May be not. Things do happen that we can not make rhythm or reason out of it. Example: the Israelites was using God as their good-luck charm when they went in battle against the Philistines. A day came when God allowed the Ark to be captured. The Philistines put the Ark in their temple in the present of their idol Dagon. The next morning Dagon was found flat on his face before the Ark. No problem, they set him back up. The next morning, there he was, flat on his face again, but this time he had his hands and head cut off (1 Samuel 5:1-5). Is that comedic or what?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Satan is among Us

Satan was kicked out of heaven to earth by his Creator, (read of his fall in the book of Isaiah 14:12-17). He is here among us according to Job 1:6,7. He is the prince of this world with power. A creature with trans formative abilities. All that means is he can use people to do his will and he can show up in the body of anyone, even an average citizen.

Satan can use a state governor, a U.S. Senator , a radio talk show host, a cable talk show host, a cable news station to be his mouth piece to a 'vast right conspiracy' that believes blacks hate whites. Thus they say, Obama will take from the whites and give to the blacks, and force our children to pay.

Nixon's southern political strategy put Satan front and center in the pulpit and the pew of white churches in the South in the 80's. The Republican Party with their law and order and state right agenda was a good fit with the congregation's bigotry . The riots of the 70's created a spirit of fear and distrust of blacks.

Blacks push back by organizing around the tenets of the 15th amendment .They build a political power base by get blacks to vote and attend church. Each Sunday the congregation prayed for protection and ways to love their enemy.

In those days the public debate was the bullet or the ballot. The whites wanted the right to bare arms. The blacks want the right to vote. Both side won. 40 years later a pray is offer up for an assailant to kill the 44Th President of the United State of America, Barack Hussein Obama.

The first black man to hold the office. His election caused an awaken of lies from this synagogue of Satan: conservative talk radio, cable news, tea parties, town halls. The enemy of truth started showing up at public venues saying Obama is not qualified to be president because he was not born in America. "He is a socialist", "He want government to take over health care",. Obama Care will have death panels, he wants to kill grandma. He is a murderer. He comes to kill and destroy white America his critics say. He want to indoctrinate our children. His opponents believe he is deserving of death and they want him crucified, so they pray.

This is a black and white thing and it is hard to not to view it as such. The black Christian is praying for the president safety and the white Christian is praying Psalm 109:7,8,9 for his assassination.

"When he shall be judged, let him be condemned: and let his prayer become sin .Let his days be few; and let another take his office. Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow".

It's unconscionable for a Christan black or white to pray a prayer of death for another member of the household of faith because he is the 'other sheep', John 10:16. There is such a prayer but we are told not to pray for it.

Will the president be safe? You want to believe so even when his enemies carry guns at his political appearance but when you see dinner party crashers shaking hands with the president that belief is not reassured. Guns kill. Anthrax kills too.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Old School Preacher at the Exchange

The old man was weary from the battles he survived, eyes dim with age, the natural ways of his body reduced. He came upon this digitize market place where you can be any thing you call yourself. (Behold, all souls belong to God...the soul that sin shall surely die. Ezekiel 18:4) Seated at the Gate of this Exchange where souls are bought and sold by the exchanging of ideas was a man that deals in body transformations some would say he was angelic in his appearance. A man hurled from heaven. An enemy and a falsifier of God's word. The Old School Preacher started his journey with five pennies.

"Is this the place where I can put my pennyworth?, said the Old School Preacher.

"Yes you can. Step up."

"Sir, I lost three pennies to a princely of a man on one of his schemes designed to make me wise. He said he was the original player and it would open my eyes and put food in my belly"

"Fret not thyself I will restore that which the locusts have eaten. To win in my game, all you have to do is go all to get along and I guarantee you will be a winner. Cast your lot with me and watch the prosperity of your soul".

It sounded good to the preacher and he was tempted. To know good from evil and right from wrong, he could as his Lord. The scheme was to produce fruit that would be pleasant to the eyes and good for food, a piece of cake, thought the hypocrite. The man of God did cast his lot with his new friend. As soon as the nectar of the fruit touched his lips, the eater suffered loss.

"I'm naked!", cried out the evangelist

"My grace is sufficient", said the still small Voice, " Nothing can separate you from My increase. I will set in order all things when I come. You are to go and preach deliverance to the captive, set free those who are bound, open the the prison gate for those that sat in darkness.

Remember, it is required in a steward that he be found faithful. Henceforth there is laid up for you, Old School, a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge will give on that day not to you only but unto all who love his appearance".

Not only was the lost great for this saint who walks in the spirit of John the Baptist's Ministry, a spirit of fear came upon him when the god of this world spoke harshly of the Man who gave him the coins to behold until His return. The spirit of fear caused him to lose another penny! The Man who sends is a hard Man. Reaping where He has not sown. Gathering from where He has put no seed yet he expect total complaint to His will from those who went as seed sowers.

The soul exchange is not for the faint of heart. God has given them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not natural and is against nature. Moreover, God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. The judgement of God is that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only to those who do such things but also those who take pleasure in them that do them.

The disciple interceded in pray to the God of Grace for the souls at the Exchange. Let us pray. He that winnest souls are wise.